$header : string
Class C_Core : Front End methods for loading javascript libraries as well as loading CSS libraries also it loads DB object
Description: It extends Event properties. The main task of this class is to load javascript libraries and css files for front end purposes. Beside it loads DB object.
$hiddenDays : string
header(array|string $param)
header: Setter
Format: Default {
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'today prev,next'
If not set: either false or assigns the param
Setting the header options to false will display no header. An object can be supplied with properties left, center, and right. These properties contain strings with comma/space separated values. Values separated by a comma will be displayed adjacently. Values separated by a space will be displayed with a small gap in between. Strings can contain any of the following values:
title text containing the current month/week/day prev button for moving the calendar back one month/week/day next button for moving the calendar forward one month/week/day prevYear button for moving the calendar back on year nextYear button for moving the calendar forward one year today button for moving the calendar to the current month/week/day a view name button that will switch the calendar to any of the Available Views Specifying an empty string for a property will cause it display no text/buttons.
array|string | $param |
theme(string $v)
theme: Setter Boolean, default: false Enables/disables use of jQuery UI theming.
Once you enable theming with true, you still need to include the CSS file for the theme you want. For example, if you just downloaded a theme from the jQuery UI Themeroller, you need to put a tag in your page's
.string | $v |
buttonIcons(string $v)
buttonIcons : Setter
Determines which theme icons appear on the header buttons.
Object, default: {
prev: 'circle-triangle-w',
next: 'circle-triangle-e'
This option only applies to calendars that have jQuery UI theming enabled with the theme option. A hash must be supplied that maps button names (from the header) to icon strings. The icon strings determine the CSS class that will be used on the button. For example, the string 'circle-triangle-w' will result in the class 'ui-icon-triangle-w'. If a button does not have an entry, it falls back to using buttonText. If you are using a jQuery UI theme and would prefer not to display any icons and would rather use buttonText instead, you can set the buttonIcons option to false.
string | $v |
firstDay(string $v)
firstDay: Setter The day that each week begins.
Integer, default: 0 (Sunday)
The value must be a number that represents the day of the week. Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc. This option is useful for UK users who need the week to start on Monday (1).
In versions 1.1 through 1.2.1, this option was known as weekStart.
string | $v |
hiddenDays(string $v)
hiddenDays: Setter
Exclude certain days-of-the-week from being displayed. Array, default: []
The value is an array of day-of-week indices to hide. Each index is zero-base (Sunday=0) and ranges from 0-6. Example:
hiddenDays: [ 2, 4 ] // hide Tuesdays and Thursdays
hiddenDays: [ 1, 3, 5 ] // hide Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
By default, no days are hidden, unless weekends is set to false.
string | $v |
weekMode(string $v)
weekMode : Setter Determines the number of weeks displayed in a month view. Also determines each week's height.
String, default: 'fixed'
Available options: 'fixed'
The calendar will always be 6 weeks tall. The height will always be the same,
as determined by height, contentHeight, or aspectRatio.
The calendar will have either 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month.
The height of the weeks will stretch to fill the available height, as determined by height, contentHeight, or aspectRatio.
The calendar will have either 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month. Each week will have the same constant height,
meaning the calendar’s height will change month-to-month.
In versions 1.0 through 1.2.1, this option was known as fixedWeeks.
string | $v |
weekNumbers(string $v)
weekNumbers: Setter Determines if week numbers should be displayed on the calendar.
Boolean, default: false If set to true, week numbers will be displayed in a separate left column in the month/basic views as well as at the top-left corner of the agenda views. See Available Views. By defaut, FullCalendar will display the ISO8601 week number. To display other types of week numbers, see weekNumberCalculation.
string | $v |
weekNumberCalculation(string $v)
weekNumberCalculation: Setter The method for calculating week numbers that are displayed with the weekNumbers setting.
String/Function, default:"iso" The default ("iso") causes ISO8601 week numbers.
You may also specify a function, which accepts a single native Date object and returns an integer week number. Since FullCalendar currently lacks a built-in internationlization system, this is only way to implement localized week numbers.
string | $v | default is "iso" |
aspectRatio(string $v)
aspectRatio : Setter
Determines the width-to-height aspect ratio of the calendar. Float, default: 1.35
A calendar is a block-level element that fills its entire avaiable width. The calendar’s height, however, is determined by this ratio of width-to-height. (Hint: larger numbers make smaller heights).
The setter only works in version 1.4.2 and later.
string | $v |
handleWindowResize(string $v)
handleWindowResize: Setter Whether to automatically resize the calendar when the browser window resizes.
Boolean, default: true If true, the calendar will automatically resize when the window resizes, and the windowResize callback will be called. If false, none of this will happen.
string | $v |
defaultView(string $v)
Available Views String, default: month FullCalendar has a number of different "views", or ways of displaying days and events.
The following 5 views are all built in to FullCalendar: month - see example basicWeek - see example (available since version 1.3) basicDay - see example (available since version 1.3) agendaWeek - see example (available since version 1.4) agendaDay - see example (available since version 1.4) You can define header buttons to allow the user to switch between them. You can set the initial view of the calendar with the defaultView option.
string | $v |
axisFormat(string $v)
Determines the time-text that will be displayed on the vertical axis of the agenda views.
String, default: 'h(:mm)tt' The value is a format-string that will be processed by formatDate. The default value will produce times that look like "5pm" and "5:30pm".
string | $v |
snapMinutes(string $v)
snapMinutes The time interval at which a dragged event will snap to the agenda view time grid.
Also affects the granularity at which selections can be made. Specified in number of minutes.
The default value will be whatever slotMinutes is, which defaults to 30 (half an hour).
string | $v |
defaultEventMinutes(string $v)
defaultEventMinutes Determines the length (in minutes) an event appears to be when it has an unspecified end date.
Integer, default: 120
By default, if an Event Object as no end, it will appear to be 2 hours. This option only affects events that appear in the agenda slots, meaning they have allDay set to true.
string | $v |
firstHour(string $v)
firstHour Determines the first hour that will be visible in the scroll pane.
Integer, default: 6
Values must be from 0-23, where 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc. The user will be able to scroll upwards to see events before this time. If you want to prevent users from doing this, use the minTime option instead.
string | $v |
minTime(string $v)
Determines the first hour/time that will be displayed, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way up.
Integer/String, default: 0 This can be a number like 5 (which means 5am), a string like '5:30' (which means 5:30am) or a string like '5:30am'.
string | $v |
maxTime(string $v)
Determines the last hour/time (exclusively) that will be displayed, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way down.
Integer/String, default: 24
This can be a number like 22 (which means 10pm), a string like '22:30' (which means 10:30pm) or a string like '10:30pm'.
string | $v |
slotEventOverlap(string $v)
slotEventOverlap Determines if timed events in agenda view should visually overlap.
Boolean, default: true
When set to true (the default), events will overlap each other. At most half of each event will be obscured: When set to false, there will be absolutely no overlapping:
string | $v |
month(string $v)
month The initial month when the calendar loads.
IMPORTANT: The value is 0-based, meaning January=0, February=1, etc.
If month is unspecified and year is set to the current year, the calendar will start on the current month. If month is unspecified and year is not set to the current year, the calendar will start on January.
string | $v |
date(string $v)
date The initial date-of-month when the calendar loads.
This option only matters for the week & day views. Month view does not need this option, because month view always displays the entire month from start to finish. If date is unspecified, and year/month are set to the current year/month, then the calendar will start on the current date. If date is unspecified, and year/month are not set to the current year/month, then the calendar will start on the first of the month.
string | $v |
timeFormat(string $v)
timeFormat Determines the time-text that will be displayed on each event.
String/View Option Hash, default: {
// for agendaWeek and agendaDay
agenda: 'h:mm{ - h:mm}', // 5:00 - 6:30
// for all other views
'': 'h(:mm)t' // 7p
A single format string will change the time-text for events in all views. A View Option Hash may be provided to target specific views (this is what the default does). Uses formatDate/formatDates formatting rules. (The formatting rules were much different in versions before 1.3. See here) Time-text will only be displayed for Event Objects that have allDay equal to false. Here is an example of displaying all events in a 24-hour format:
A View Option Hash can only be provided in version 1.4 and later.
string | $v |
columnFormat(string $v)
columnFormat Determines the text that will be displayed on the calendar's column headings.
String/View Option Hash, default: {
month: 'ddd', // Mon
week: 'ddd M/d', // Mon 9/7
day: 'dddd M/d' // Monday 9/7
A single string will set the title format for all views. A View Option Hash may be provided to target specific views (this is what the default does). Uses formatDate/formatDates formatting rules. (The formatting rules were much different in versions before 1.3. See here)
A View Option Hash can only be provided in version 1.4 and later.
string | $v |
titleFormat(string $v)
titleFormat Determines the text that will be displayed in the header's title.
String/View Option Hash, default: {
month: 'MMMM yyyy', // September 2009
week: "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '—'[ MMM] d yyyy}", // Sep 7 - 13 2009
day: 'dddd, MMM d, yyyy' // Tuesday, Sep 8, 2009
A single string will set the title format for all views. A View Option Hash may be provided to target specific views (this is what the default does). Uses formatDate/formatDates formatting rules. (The formatting rules were much different in versions before 1.3. See here) A View Option Hash can only be provided in version 1.4 and later.
string | $v |
monthNames(string $v)
string | $v | Full Names of Months Array, default:['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July','August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] Prior to version 1.3, this was possible by setting $.fullCalendar.monthNames |
selectable(string $v)
selectable Allows a user to highlight multiple days or timeslots by clicking and dragging.
Boolean/View Option Hash, default: false To let the user make selections by clicking and dragging, this option must be set to true. The select and unselect callbacks will be useful for monitoring when selections are made and cleared.` To learn the ways in which selections can be cleared, read the docs for the unselect callback.
To view an example of how to create a new event based on a user's selection see "demos/selectable.html" in the download, or visit this page.`
string | $v |
selectHelper(string $v)
selectHelper Whether to draw a "placeholder" event while the user is dragging.
Boolean/Function, default: false
This option only applies to the agenda views. A value of true will draw a "placeholder" event while the user is dragging (similar to what Google Calendar does for its week and day views). A value of false (the default) will draw the standard highlighting over each cell. A function can also be specified for drawing custom elements. It will be given 2 arguments: the selection's start date and end date (Date objects). It must return a DOM element that will be used.
string | $v |
unselectCancel(string $v)
unselectCancel A way to specify elements that will ignore the unselectAuto option.
String, default: ''
Clicking on elements that match this jQuery selector will prevent the current selection from being cleared (due to the unselectAuto option). This option is useful if you have a "Create an event" form that shows up in response to the user making a selection. When the user clicks on this form, you probably don't want to the current selection to go away. Thus, you should add a class to your form such as "my-form", and set the unselectCancel option to ".my-form".
string | $v |
eventSources(mixed $eventSourceObjects)
Event Source For Full Calendar A way to specify multiple event sources.
This option is used instead of the events option.
You can put any number of event arrays, functions, JSON feed URLs, or full-out Event Source Objects into the eventSources array.
mixed | $eventSourceObjects |
ignoreTimezone(string $v)
ignoreTimezone When parsing ISO8601 dates, whether UTC offsets should be ignored while processing event source data.
string | $v | Boolean, default: true The default is true, which means the UTC offset for all ISO8601 dates will be ignored. For example, the date "2008-11-05T08:15:30-05:00" will be processed as November 5th, 2008 at 8:15am in the local offset of the browser. If you are using ISO8601 dates with UTC offsets, chances are you want them processed. You must set this option to false. In the future, the default for this option will probably be changed to false. |
lazyFetching(string $v)
string | $v | Determines when event fetching should occur. Boolean, default: true When set to true (the default), the calendar will only fetch events when it absolutely needs to, minimizing AJAX calls. For example, say your calendar starts out in month view, in February. FullCalendar will fetch events for the entire month of February and store them in its internal cache. Then, say the user switches to week view and begins browsing the weeks in February. The calendar will avoid fetching events because it already has this information stored. When set to false, the calendar will fetch events any time the view is switched, or any time the current date changes (for example, as a result of the user clicking prev/next). Before this option existed, FullCalendar would always do "lazy" event fetching, as if lazyFetching were set to true. |
eventColor(string $v)
string | $v | Sets the background and border colors for all events on the calendar. String You can use any of the CSS color formats such #f00, #ff0000, rgb(255,0,0), or red. This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the color Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the color Event Object option. |
eventBackgroundColor(string $v)
string | $v | Sets the background color for all events on the calendar. String You can use any of the CSS color formats such #f00, #ff0000, rgb(255,0,0), or red. This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the backgroundColor Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the backgroundColor Event Object option. |
eventBorderColor(string $v)
string | $v | Sets the border color for all events on the calendar. String You can use any of the CSS color formats such #f00, #ff0000, rgb(255,0,0), or red. This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the borderColor Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the borderColor Event Object option. |
eventTextColor(string $v)
string | $v | Sets the text color for all events on the calendar. String You can use any of the CSS color formats such #f00, #ff0000, rgb(255,0,0), or red. This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the textColor Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the textColor Event Object option. |
editable(string $v)
string | $v | Determines whether the events on the calendar can be modified. Boolean, default: false This determines if the events can be dragged and resized. Enables/disables both at the same time. If you don't want both, use editable in conjunction with eventStartEditable and eventDurationEditable. This option can be overridden on a per-event basis with the Event Object editable property. Prior to version 1.3, the draggable option was used instead. |
eventStartEditable(string $v)
string | $v | Allow events' start times to be editable through dragging. Boolean, default: true This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the startEditable Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the startEditable Event Object option. |
eventDurationEditable(string $v)
string | $v | Allow events' durations to be editable through resizing. Boolean, default: true This option can be overridden on a per-source basis with the durationEditable Event Source Object option or on a per-event basis with the durationEditable Event Object option. |
dragRevertDuration(string $v)
string | $v | Time it takes for an event to revert to its original position after an unsuccessful drag. Integer, default: 500 Time is in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). Prior to version 1.3, this option was known as eventRevertDuration |
dragOpacity(string $v)
string | $v | The opacity of an event while it is being dragged. Float/View Option Hash, default: {
} Float values range from 0.0 to 1.0. Specify a single number to affect all views, or a View Option Hash to target specific views (which is what the default does). A View Option Hash can only be provided in versions 1.4 and later. Prior to version 1.3, this option was known as eventDragOpacity. |
droppable(string $v)
string | $v | Determines if jQuery UI draggables can be dropped onto the calendar. Boolean, default: false This option operates with jQuery UI draggables. You must download the appropriate jQuery UI files and initialize a draggable element. Additionally, you must set the calendar's droppable option to true. Here is how you might initialize an element that can be dragged onto a calendar: $('#my-draggable').draggable({
}); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
}); How can I use this to add events??? Good question. It is a common need to have an "external list of events" that can be dragged onto the calendar. While the droppable option deals with generic jQuery UI draggables and is not specifically tailored to adding events, it is possible to achieve this with a few lines of code. Follow the external-dragging.html example in FullCalendar's download. You can also view the example online. http://arshaw.com/js/fullcalendar-1.5.3/demos/external-dragging.html In short, you must call renderEvent yourself in the drop callback. Hopefully, this task will become more convenient with future API changes. |
dropAccept(string $v)
string | $v | Provides a way to filter which elements can be dropped onto the calendar. String/Function, default: "*" By default, after setting a calendar' droppable option to true, the calendar will accept any draggables that are dropped onto the calendar. The dropAccept option allows the calendar be more selective about which elements can/can't be dropped. The value of dropAccept can be a string jQuery selector. It can also be a function that accepts the draggable item as a single argument, and returns true if the element can be dropped onto the calendar. In the following example, the first draggable (with id "draggable1") can be dropped on the calendar, while the second draggable (with id "draggable2") cannot: ... ... and here is the JavaScript: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
}); $('#draggable1').draggable(); $('#draggable2').draggable(); |
display_script_include_once_foot( $bootstrap, $fullCalendar, $datetimePicker, $colorPicker, $jqueryUI)
Loads Javascript/jQuery libraries for Front end purposes based on user request. Other than requested libraries it loads few Javascript/jQuery plugins by default
$bootstrap | ||
$fullCalendar | ||
$datetimePicker | ||
$colorPicker | ||
$jqueryUI |