Hi, is there any way to have individual logins so that each user can manage their own calendar only? I have a group of 50 calendars but I need them to only manage their own only with a super admin available to manage them all.

Here’s the SQL query to insert new user into the calendar database table ‘pec_users‘ with user role as “user“.

You would need to simply replace with some real user data. The password can be encode here.

INSERT INTO pec_users
(access_key, activated, admin_id, role, first_name, last_name, active_calendar_id, company, username, password, email, timezone, language, theme, kbd_shortcuts, created_on, updated_on)
(NULL, 1, NULL, ‘user’, ‘Joe’, ‘Blow’, ‘0’, ‘Rand Corp’, ‘joeblow’, md5(‘123456’), ‘’, ‘+6’, ‘English’, ‘default’, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Users will only see their own calendars.