During installation, PHP Events Calendar creates a login similar to the page online event calendar demo. The default login is
name: admin
password: 123456
You can change the login credential in “pec_users” table in MySQL. The password is encrypted by MD5 hash. You can generate one here.
Here’s the SQL query to insert new user into the calendar database table ‘pec_users’ with user role as “user”. You would need to simply replace with some real user data. The password is encoded in MD5. Web-based GUI users management tool will be added in future release.
(`access_key`, `activated`, `admin_id`, `role`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `active_calendar_id`, `company`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `timezone`, `language`, `theme`, `kbd_shortcuts`, `created_on`, `updated_on`)
(NULL, 1, NULL, 'user', 'Joe', 'Blow', '0', 'Rand Corp', 'joeblow', md5('123456'), 'joeblow@example.com', '+6', 'English', 'default', 1, NOW(), NOW());
Note that the above default user account is an admin account who can create and modify any event. To display events read only, send your users to public calendar page in which the events can be browsed but cannot be modified.
Please note that users who have “admin” role can have access to all calendars of other non-admin users.
The role can only be changed in database table “pec_users”.